“Bushfire-proof homes” burnt down in Wye River and Separation Creek

WA BAL Report are committed to preventing loss of property and life from bushfires. This means conducting bushfire attack level assessment reports for those living in bushfire-prone areas.

The importance of implementing proper housing design standards has been demonstrated after at least 5 bushfire-rated homes were destroyed in the bushfires in Wye River and Separation Creek in Victoria on Christmas Day 2015. This is despite the local fire conditions not being as severe as those on Black Saturday back in 2009. This raises questions about Victoria’s bushfire risk management policy, according to experts.

Although bushfire attack level ratings were required for all new homes in bushfire-prone areas, after a Bushfires Royal Commission recommendation in 2009, the standards won’t guarantee a building’s survival, as fires are so inherently unpredictable. The homes were BAL 40-rated homes, which is considered the general standard for homes facing significant fire threats.

The Bushfire Building Council of Australia criticized the bushfire attack level standards for the following:

  • No requirement to consider location of gas water heater
  • No requirements for gutter guards
  • No ban on keeping a wood pile near the house
  • BAL-rated houses can be built right next to unrated houses
  • After the Wye River fires, new BAL-rated homes will be allowed to be built next to unrated homes. This poses a fire risk

WA BAL Report considers that ensuring that your house is built to the appropriate standard based on its BAL Rating is an important first step at preventing property damage and loss of life as a result of bushfire, but there are more actions required to be taken to better protect yourself. WA BAL Report can advise you in this respect if you live in a bushfire-prone area.

For more information

WA BAL Report are experts at conducting Bushfire Attack Level Assessments, Bushfire Attack Level Reports and bushfire prevention strategies in general in Perth and Western Australia. For more information, contact our friendly staff on 08 6114 9356 or at admin@wabalreport.com.au.

Thank you for visiting www.wabalreport.com.au

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