How we do bushfire attack level (BAL) Assessments

WA BAL Report are specialists at conducting bushfire attack level assessments and bushfire attack level reports. A BAL Assessment is a measure of a building’s potential exposure to ember attack, radiant heat and direct flame contact in the event of a bushfire. The purpose of the BAL Report is to provide a BAL Rating, which determines the extent of your risk. Once you have the BAL Rating, you are required to implement certain standards in the construction and design of your home, to better protect your home from bushfire attack.

WA BAL Report uses a 6 step approach in performing the bushfire attack level assessment:

  1. Determine your Fire Danger Index (FDI)
  2. Determine your site’s vegetation
  3. Determine the distance from the site to the vegetation in question
  4. Determine the slope of the land under the vegetation
  5. Determine the bushfire attack level
  6. Apply the construction requirements set out in Australian Standard 3959-2009

WA BAL Report conducts the bushfire attack level assessment by visiting your site and conducting a physical inspection of the land and vegetation. We will classify the vegetation and determine the slope. We will then assess your BAL Rating using AS3959-2009, including excluding any low threat vegetation, and determine the construction standards required to be effected.

For more information

WA BAL Report are experts at conducting Bushfire Attack Level Assessments, Bushfire Attack Level Reports and bushfire prevention strategies in general in Perth and Western Australia. For more information, contact our friendly staff on 08 6114 9356 or at

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